Why Do People Hate Ruby Rose?

Publish date: 2024-08-28

Ruby Rose impressively leapt to the top of the most in-demand actors list in a surprisingly short time. From her successful performance on Orange Is the New Black to her season-long role as the lead of Batwoman, Rose has had her hand in a number of high-grossing franchises and projects. Along the way, however, some viewers began to sour on the Australian actress.

As a result, it seems like most discussions about her include more than a few people expressing their dislike of Rose. Just like that, Ruby Rose went from internet favorite to constant target. Critics of the actress certainly aren’t shy, and there are a few reasons they feel so strongly about The Meg actress.

They Think She’s A Bad Actor

Ruby Rose’s casting as Batwoman drew so much criticism and complaining, the actress ended up deleting her Twitter profile entirely. Twitter users attacked her for a variety of reasons, but most seemed to argue that Rose wouldn’t live up to a role like the new Caped Crusader. Even when she struck back at critics for disagreeing with her casting, people doubled down and complained about most of her roles — particularly in John Wick: Chapter 2 and in the trailer for Batwoman.



They Think Ruby Rose Is A Quitter

After Rose announced that she wouldn’t be returning to her role as Cassandra Kaine on The CW’s Batwoman, commenters were quick to respond. Initial reports seemed to indicate that the show’s long hours were wearing on the actress, which immediately drew the ire of some television viewers. They said that the fact that she was surprised that leading a TV show would require long hours is proof that she’s either lazy, entitled, or ignorant. Others said that her departure was further evidence that Rose was either unpleasant to work with or failed to meet expectations.


Do you know how fed up a showrunner has to be let a lead out of a 7 season contract? I think if KJ Apa tried to quit Riverdale, they'd laugh in his face. Ruby Rose? Couldn't wait to get rid of her. #Batwoman

— Alan Sarapa (@AlanSarapa) May 20, 2020

Of course, it is worth mentioning that since the initial news of her departure, it’s become clear that there were a variety of reasons Rose quit the show. From a neck injury that almost left her paralyzed to a suit that gave her an uncomfortable allergic reaction to the aforementioned extremely long hours, the actress seems to have made the right decision for herself and her health.

They Just Don’t Like Ruby Rose’s Face

As a model, Rose’s looks are often one of the first fans — and critics — comment on. While these comments range from light-hearted jokes to deep-seated hatred for her androgynous looks, the subject is clearly a contentious one.

ruby rose looks like eminem whether you like it or not

— 3lo 🇱🇧 (@Sabbxthh) March 1, 2020

Did they make Batwoman's mask look angry because they know Ruby Rose's face can't express emotion by itself?

— mikaela (@thesetornadoes) October 9, 2018


Not Everyone Hates Her, Though

In reality, Rose does have a very dedicated fan base that defend through some of these insults and critiques. Though they’re not obviously as loud as the ones hammering the actress for her looks or skills, they’re completely on the opposite side of the matter and frequently support the actress. And, as they astutely point out on the more vitriolic posts about Rose, it’s extremely fair to say that a good chunk of the hate she receives is due to her gender identity and sexuality. The insidious nature of sexism and homophobia can’t be understated. Though it’s easy to write off most haters as such, it’s still an incredibly ugly side of pop culture that needs to be recognized.

Despite the sheer amount of hate and criticism she’s received, Ruby Rose has still persevered and her career seems to be doing better than ever. She’s dabbled in a few projects here and there since leaving Batwoman, and once the coronavirus pandemic is contained, she’ll likely have a busy schedule. No matter how much Twitter users may disagree with her casting or the existence of her face, the actress continues to succeed.
