Age, Height, Net Worth, Kids

Publish date: 2024-09-24
#Fact1Mentioned in the 2016 track "Nobody Speak" by DJ Shadow.2Will also serve as an executive producer on The Apprentice (2004) in his spare time, while serving as the President of the United States.3Plaintiffs in the Trump University lawsuit that Trump used misleading, fraudulent and predatory practices.4Settled the Trump University lawsuit for $25 million.5Good friends with Vince McMahon and the McMahon family.6Was forced by state Attorney General to change the name Trump University to the "Trump Entrepreneurial Initiative".7His misspelling of the word unprecedented lasted on his Twitter account for an hour and a half until it was corrected. [December 2016]8Agreed to testify in the Trump University lawsuit.9Mocked by Twitter and Twitter users by misspelling the word unprecedented with "unpresidented". [December 2016]10Nominated Florida Panthers owner Vincent Viola for Secretary of the Army. [December 2016]11The context of the misspelling of unprecedented was: China's seizure of a U.S. Navy drone on Friday an "unpresidented act". [December 2016]12Is the second US President to be born in New York City.13Listed second place in Forbes Most Powerful People. Trump was previously ranked 72nd but had jumped 70 spots up to second in the list largely due to his influence on the Press to garner media attention, free airtime and use of Twitter and his ability to amass large crowds of people at rallies.14Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were all won by Donald Trump in the 2016 Election. Since 1992, all three were carried by the Democrats. Wisconsin voted Republican for the first time since 1984 and Michigan and Pennsylvania went Republican for the first time since 1988.15Ronna Romney McDaniel, Neice of Mitt Romney was chosen by Donald Trump to be Chair of the Republican National Committee (December 13, 2016).16Appointed Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. (December 13, 2016) Tillerson has a close personal relationship with Russia's President Vladimir Putin and has investments in Russian State-Owned Oil Company GazProm. Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney were all considered for the Secretary of State Position in Trump's Cabinet. Gingrich decided to remain a close advisor to Donald Trump while Giuliani and Romney eventually decided not to take up the offer.17In January 2016, Trump threatened to end his £700 million investment in Scotland through his two golf resorts at Turnberry and Menie, if the Scottish government banned him from entering Scotland.18Named Time magazine's Man of the Year for 2016.19The subtitle for the cover for the issue that name him Time magazine's Man of the Year read "President of the Divided States of America".20Accepted a congratulatory call from the president of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen. [December 2016]21Accepting the 10 minute congratulatory call from the president of Taiwan violated the One China policy agreement that was first established in 1972.22Donald Trump's wealth of $4,500,000,000 makes him the richest US President in history. His wealth is worth more than the wealth of the previous 44 US Presidents combined.23In the 2016 US Presidential Election as it stands, Donald Trump won more votes than any Republican in history, despite trailing Hillary Clinton by over 2,000,000 votes in terms of the popular vote.24Donald Trump as well as winning 30 American States also won Maine's second Congressional District. Maine separated its electoral votes for the first time since 1828.252016 was the year of the oldest presidential candidates. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were very old with the Republican at age 70 and the Democrat at age 69. Combined, both averaged out 69.5 years. In 1960, the average age between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon was 45 years.26Received at least two million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.27Against all expectations, a majority of the white women voted 2016 for Donald Trump as president.28As president-elect, he met with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in New York. Abe is the first foreign leader to meet the incoming US President Donald Trump (November 17, 2016).29Following his election win, he received many congratulatory letters and phone calls from foreign leaders. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte meeting with Filipino Expats in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia offered his warmest congratulations to Trump including the Filipino Greeting Mabuhay ka! Duterte also vowed to stop his war of words with America because of Trump's victory (November 9, 2016).30Appointed RNC Chair Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff and Breitbart Columnist Steve Bannon as Chief Counsellor.31Declined the $400,000 a year presidential salary and pledged to accept $1 a year as his salary as president.32Is the first president to win the presidency while losing the popular vote since George W. Bush in the 2000 election.33Reported on Variety as the first reality show star elected to office, though in fact, Sean Duffy of The Real World reality show fame served later on as District Attorney. Donald Trump's years spent on NBC's The Apprentice (2004) are widely credited with establishing his public image as a no-nonsense businessman.34At age 70, Donald Trump is the oldest person elected to a first term as POTUS. Ronald Reagan was age 69 when he was elected in 1980.35Donald Trump had a cameo in Oliver Stone's Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010). According to Stone, Trump's scene with Michael Douglas was shot in a day and this took nine takes from different perspectives. This did not succeed into the final version because the feature was too long, but this can be seen in the 'Deleted Scenes' of the Blu-ray.36Is the first president to have both sons and more than two children since George Bush.37Donald Trump is the first person elected as POTUS with no government or military experience.38Like former US Presidents Jimmy Carter, Rutherford B. Hayes and Abraham Lincoln, Trump is a devout teetotaler.39Donald and Melania's lavish 2005 wedding was attended by then Senator Hillary Clinton and former US President Bill Clinton. Other attendees of note were Rudy Giuliani, Barbara Walters, Conrad Black, etc.40Is the first person to be elected the President of the United States with no prior political or military experience.41Is the second only US President after Ronald Reagan to have been divorced before taking office.42Wife Melania is the second only foreign-born First Lady after the British-born Louisa Adams, wife of 6th US President John Quincy Adams.43At age 70, Trump is the oldest elected President of the United States. Ronald Reagan set that record in 1981 when he assumed office at age 69.44Won the General Election for presidency on November 8, 2016, becoming the 45th President of the United States of America. He takes office on January 20, 2017.45Met Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Trump Tower (September 25, 2016).46Pat Smith whose son Sean who was killed in September 11, 2012 in Benghazi attended the final Presidential Debate at the invitation of Donald Trump. Also attending the Las Vegas Debate at the invitation of Donald Trump was President Barack Obama's half-brother Malik Obama. He declared he would vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 US Presidential Election (October 19, 2016).47Former UKIP Leader Nigel Farage attended the Second Presidential Debate in St Louis, Missouri (October 9, 2016).48Met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on a campaign stop in New York (September 19, 2016).49On August 31, 2016, he made his first foreign trip as Republican Presidential Nominee to Mexico.50He openly supported the campaign for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. On August 24, 2016, he invited United Kingdom Independence Party leader Nigel Farage to speak at a campaign rally in Jackson, Mississippi.51On August 5, 2016, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines challenged Donald Trump to a 'fist-fight' after Trump called for all Filipinos to be banned from coming to America.52He won 14,015,993 votes in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primaries, the highest popular vote total in the Republican Primaries, breaking the all time record of 12,034,676 votes George W Bush had won in the 2000 Republican Presidential Primaries.53Should he be elected President of the United States, he would be the oldest person ever to assume the Presidency. He turned 70 on June 14, 2016. By January 20, 2017, Donald Trump would be 70 years and 220 days nearly 8 months older than Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was 69 and 349 days when he was sworn in as US President in 1981.54Attended a fundraiser for the Provisional IRA with Gerry Adams. [November 1995]55There are multiple class-action lawsuits against Donald Trump's so-called Trump University because of alleged fraudulent behavior. 400 pages of internal documents of Trump University were released by Judge Gonzalo Curiel, despite sustaining repeated public attacks from Trump, who had fought to keep the details secret. New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman, who has also sued Trump University, said : "If you look at the facts of this case, this shows someone who was absolutely shameless in his willingness to lie to people, to say whatever it took to induce them into his phony seminars." The documents describe how the Trump staff was instructed to target prospective students' weaknesses to encourage them to sign up for ultra-expensive $34,995 'Gold Elite' three-day courses. [The Guardian, June 2016].56On May 4, 2016, he became the presumptive Republican nominee for president after his final two primary opponents, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, dropped out of the race. He became the first major party presidential nominee with no elective, appointive, or military public experience since Wendell Willkie won the Republican nomination in 1940. If elected he would be the first president with no such prior experience.57He has never smoked or drunk alcohol.58Received five deferrals during the Vietnam War.59Commissioned lawyer Roy M. Cohn to draw up a prenuptial agreement for his 1977 marriage to first wife Ivana Marie Zelnickova, a contract that allowed Ivana Trump $20,000 a year.60When he married Marla Maples some of the wedding guests included Rosie O'Donnell, O.J. Simpson and Joy Behar.61Two of his three wives were not born in the United States.62Classmate of Louis Calomaris's at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania).63Hired Barbara Res to be in charge of his building Trump Tower. [September 1980]64Cousin of John Walter.65Anthony Senecal was his butler.66Son of Fred Trump and Mary Trump.67Has his lookalike puppet in the French show Les guignols de l'info (1988).68WWE Hall of Famer.69Through April 2011, and continuing through early 2016, he alleged that President Barack Obama might have been born outside the United States, which would make Obama ineligible to be president. The allegations were understood by most rational-thinking adults as quite serious, as Trump initially went on television and offered a cash reward to Obama if he released his birth certificate (which, by that point, had already been released and available publicly). Showing that there were no hard feelings, Obama allowed Trump to attend the White House Press Corps Dinner, where Obama announced to Trump he would do one better, and play the actual birth video. Obama then played a clip from The Lion King (1994).70Received an honorary doctorate from Liberty University on September 24, 2012.71Counts Las Vegas tycoon Steve Wynn as a very close friend.72As a guest of FOX's Bill O'Reilly Trump confessed that, though once a pro-choice advocate, he is now pro-life, and is against gay marriage.73Revealed on Piers Morgan Tonight: Donald Trump (2011) that he personally shuns the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and tattoos. Is pro-military spending.74Friends with Regis Philbin.75He credits his father as his mentor in learning successful business.76In 2007, Forbes magazine reported his earnings in entertainment for the year at $32 million.77Brothers: Fred Trump, Jr. and Robert Trump. Sisters: Judge Maryanne Trump Barry and Elizabeth Trump Grau.78Has four grandchildren; granddaughter, Kai Trump, born on May 12, 2007, weighing 6 lb. 14 oz., grandsons, Donald Trump III, born on February 18, 2009, weighing 8 lb. 11 oz. and Tristan Milos Trump, born October 2, 2011, weighing 8 lb. 4 oz., from his son, Donald Trump Jr., and daughter-in-law, Vanessa Trump and granddaughter, Arabella Rose Kushner, born July 17, 2011, from his daughter, Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.79Is longtime friends with WWF owner Vince McMahon, and a longtime fan of World Wrestling Entertainment. Donald hosted WrestleMania IV and V at Trump Plaza, and appeared in a ringside seat at a few others. He has also appeared on WWE TV shows and participated in WWE storylines.80He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on January 16, 2007.81Though he owns labels that market it, he doesn't drink alcohol.82Threw out the opening pitch to game 2 of the Red Sox/ Yankees double-header on 8/18/06. It was the Jimmy Fund fund-raiser day, where he, the Boston Red Sox, and many other donors gave in nearly three million dollars for cancer research. Sadly, the Red Sox lost that game 14-11.83Was among the guests at Usher Raymond's 26th birthday party.84His paternal grandparents, Friedrich Trump and Elisabeth Christ, were German. His mother was Scottish, born in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, to Malcolm Macleod and Mary Smith.85In his first book, "The Art of the Deal", he wrote that he briefly thought of attending the University of Southern California (USC), with the idea of becoming a film producer or studio executive. He eventually changed his mind when he decided that the real estate business was more lucrative.86Unlike most business executives, he does not carry a briefcase and possesses a morbid fear of shaking hands.87According to Forbes magazine, he has a net worth of $2.5 billion.88Was voted the class "Ladies Man" by classmates on New York Military Academy's class of 1964 at Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York.89Former owner of the New Jersey Generals football club of the United States Football League (USFL) (1984-1985).90Has five children; sons Donald Trump Jr. born December 31, 1977 and Eric Trump born, January 6, 1984 and daughter Ivanka Trump born, October 30, 1981, with ex-wife Ivana Trump, daughter Tiffany Trump born, October 13, 1993, with ex-wife Marla Maples and son, Barron Trump born, March 20, 2006, with current wife, Melania Trump.91Attended and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania.92Son, Eric Trump, is a freshman at Georgetown University.93Donald's father, Fred Christ Trump (born in Woodhaven, New York, October 11, 1905), was a multi-millionaire developer, whose own parents were German. Fred developed apartments, homes, and high rises in New York. He died June 25, 1999. In 1936, Fred married Donald's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod (born in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland, May 10, 1912), who died August 7, 2000.94Daughter Ivanka Trump is a model and attended Georgetown University, but later transfered to the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.
